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The Development History and Application Prospect of Feed AcidifierHite [5342] Publish time :2017-08-10

1, Introduction of acidifier

    In general, we call a class of substances that increase the acidity of the feed (lower pH) or lower the base value of the feed. The acidifier reduces the alkalinity of the animal's diet by effectively providing hydrogen ions, thereby reducing the acidity of the feed and increasing the digestibility of the feed, especially for young animals with insufficient gastric acid secretion. In addition, the acidifier can also effectively inhibit the E. coli, Salmonella and other harmful intestinal bacteria growth and reproduction, reduce the incidence of animal intestinal disease.


2, the development of acidification agent history

    The earliest use of the acidification agent (also known as the first generation of acidifier) in the feed industry in our country was not originally used to reduce the base value of the feed, nor was it used to control the diarrhea of animals. China in the 80's feed industry has been booming, especially Chia Tai Group to enter China, causing China's feed industry and animal husbandry industry big change. At that time the feed used more acidifier sodium diacetate and Lu Po fine salt (active ingredient is calcium propionate) is used as feed fungicide to use, and only some of the more advanced feed companies know the role of acidifier , In accordance with the acidifier to use and in the milk pig feed to add a sufficient dose. Therefore, these companies pig feed at the time have achieved good results, has been recognized by the majority of farmers.

    In the 1990s, as people increasingly studied acidifiers, they knew more and more. The acidifier begins as a unique feed additive in the list of major feed companies. There will be a demand for the market to meet this demand. As a result, the market appeared a variety of brands of acidifier. These acidifiers are no longer salts of a certain acid, but a complex of multiple acids and their salts. The first is the use of organic acids, mainly citric acid, fumaric acid, lactic acid, malic acid, sorbic acid, formic acid, acetic acid, propionic acid and so on. Different organic acids have their own characteristics, but the use of a wide range and the effect is better formic acid, lactic acid, butyric acid, citric acid, fumaric acid and so on. Researchers from various manufacturers, while further validating the effects and mechanisms of action of organic acids, also studied inorganic acids with strong acidity and low cost. Inorganic acids include strong acids such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, weak acid such as phosphoric acid, in which phosphoric acid has a dual effect: as a dietary acidifier, as a source of phosphorus. At the same time, some scholars combine the specific advantages of organic acid and inorganic acid to form compound acidifier. It can quickly reduce the pH value, maintain a good buffer value and biological properties and the best addition cost, which is a single acidifier can not match. The acidizing agent of this period may be called a second-generation acidifier. At that time, different brands of acidifier in the inorganic acid, organic acid and its salt ratio and structure of different, each brand claims that their ratio and composition is the most reasonable and most effective. However, since they never jump out of the inorganic acid and organic acid frame, so no one brand really dominate the market. At the same time, due to the fierce competition and cruel market, some manufacturers of acidifier began to cut corners, another part of the manufacturers in order to reduce the cost of feeding in the feed and deliberately reduce the recommended dosage of acidifier. The end result of these practices is to harm the interests of users, reducing the use of acidifier effect, making most of the feed companies and large aquaculture enterprises have questioned the acidifier, or even give up the use of acidifier. Nevertheless, the acidifier in this period or get a lot of development, many researchers have carried out a lot of research and experiments for the next step in the development of acidifier laid a good foundation.

    Into the 21st century, with the improvement of human living standards, food safety and environmental protection of the degree of attention is also getting higher and higher. In the past, antibiotics widely used in feeds were banned by some developed countries because of bacterial resistance and drug residues in livestock products. China is also in recent years have been banned part of the use of antibiotics in the feed. The use of antibiotics is also strictly prescribed the use of dose and range. Some awareness of the advance of the feed and aquaculture enterprises began to take the initiative to find alternatives to antibiotics. Because they know that antibiotics may face a total ban, they must take precautions. Acidifier after a brief silence again into the vision of these manufacturers. Similarly, there is a demand for the market to meet this demand.

Acidizing agent manufacturers, after the baptism of the market, the immature manufacturers were eliminated, not aggressive manufacturers in the linger, and a group of efforts to study the manufacturers are come to the fore, get these awareness ahead of the feed and aquaculture enterprise pro gaze.

    Guolong Technology Feed (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is one of them, it is the production of active acid is to create a new era of acidifier products. He effectively compound the organic acid and the production of probiotics, the first time to complete the traditional acidifier and the organic fusion of probiotics; for the first time put forward the theory of secondary acid production; the first time on the mechanism of acidification agent System, in-depth research and analysis. It completed the acidizing agent from the second generation to the third generation of development leap. If Lu Bao fine salt and sodium diacetate is the representative of the first generation of acidifier, then the active acid is the representative of the third generation of acidifier.


3, the role of acidifier mechanism

    Many of the mechanisms of action of the feed acidifier are due to their acidification effect, that is, by reducing the pH value in the digestive tract to affect the growth of animals, the production of some of the relevant factors to play a good role.

3.1 reduce the pH value of the diet, so that the stomach pH decreased, improve the activity of the enzyme

    Each enzyme has its special suitable pH environment, most of the digestive tract enzymes on the pH requirements are close to neutral (6.5-8.0), such as α-amylase optimal pH value of 6.8-7.0, pancreatic fat The enzyme is 7.0-8.0 and the suitable pH of the pepsin is 2.0-3.5. When the pH value is greater than 3.6, pepsin activity is significantly reduced; when the pH is greater than 6.0, pepsin inactivation. Animal diet to add acidification agent can reduce the pH value of the stomach, thereby activating pepsin, promote protein decomposition, and this decomposition can stimulate the duodenum secretion of more trypsin, so that the protein completely decomposed and absorbed. Decreased stomach pH can enhance a variety of other digestive enzyme activity.

3.2 to improve gastrointestinal microflora

    The optimum pH for the growth of several pathogens is neutral alkali, such as Escherichia coli suitable pH value of 6.0 to 8.0, Streptococcus is 6.0 to 7.5, Staphylococcus is 6.8 to 7.5, and Lactobacillus is suitable for use in acidic environments survive. Thus, the acidizing agent can inhibit the propagation of harmful microorganisms by reducing the pH of the intestinal tract, reduce the consumption of nutrients and the production of anti-growth toxins, while promoting the proliferation of beneficial bacteria.

3.3 directly involved in the body metabolism, improve the digestibility of nutrients

    Some organic acids are important intermediate products in the energy conversion process and therefore can be directly involved in metabolism. Such as tricarboxylation reaction is acetic acid COA and oxaloacetate into citric acid to start, citric acid is tricarboxylic acid, so this cycle is called tricarboxylic acid cycle. Fumaric acid is also a tricarboxylic acid intermediate product. Lactic acid is also involved in in vivo metabolism, is one of the end products of glycolysis and releases energy through gluconeogenesis. Organic acids can act as energy sources and reduce tissue loss due to gluconeogenesis. Therefore, the addition of organic acids to diets can increase the digestibility of dry matter, protein and energy.

 3.4 to promote the absorption of minerals and vitamins 

    Some of the constant and trace elements in the alkaline environment is easy to form insoluble salts and extremely difficult to absorb. Acidifiers reduce the pH of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract and also form complexes that are easily absorbed with some mineral elements. Many scholars have confirmed that the addition effect of high copper and acidifier is additive effect, that is, fumaric acid, citric acid or phosphoric acid and copper to form a high bio-efficient complex, promote the absorption and retention of copper, while reducing the Oxidation activity of copper. Some organic acids such as fumaric acid with antioxidant, citric acid as antioxidant synergist. Fumaric acid was added to the premix and stored for 6 months, and the stability of VA and VC was higher than that without fumaric acid. While the small intestine acidic environment is conducive to the absorption of VA and VD.

 3.5 Other effects of acidifier

    Gastric emptying of the stimulus is the volume of gastric contents and pH, acidic chyme into the small intestine after the small intestine wall for chemical and mechanical stimulation, so that secretion of enteritis and vitreous reflex inhibition of gastric peristalsis, slow down the stomach Empty speed, so that the protein has more time in the stomach to digest, reduce the burden of small intestine. Some scholars also believe that the dietary acid can directly stimulate the mouth of the taste bud cells, so that increased saliva secretion and increase appetite, organic acid has a unique aroma, can cover the feed to add synthetic drugs, vitamins, trace elements and other discomfort, from To seasoning. Some foreign reports that the acidifier in the volatile organic acids can also be the animal's intestinal hair growth function, to ensure the integrity of intestinal microstructure and health.


4, the application of acidifier prospects

    Feed acidifier after 20 years of development, has been initially available as an animal dietary essential additives function. In particular, its role in supplementing the lack of gastric acid secretion in young animals is irreplaceable for other additives. A new generation of acidifier not only retains the original advantages of the function, but also with antibiotics, probiotics and feed additives and other additives of the complex function. In the future antibiotics are subject to more restrictions and environmental protection increasingly attention to the situation, the acidifier will be more and more widely used, it will also get more users of all ages.